China will have more than 1318 seats skyscrapers over 152 meters high in ten years
Source:  Hits:2292  Date:2012-9-25

2012-9-25 9:14:50 Hits: 3

"the cities net" issued a report-2012 skyscraper city showed that, till now, 470 skyscraper has stood in China. Compared to the NO.1 skyscraper country united states, which has 533 seats, china showed slightly inferior. However, this kind of situation is changing, as there are 332 seats under construction and 516 seats has been completed land auction, design bidding or already lay a foundation. While the United States under construction and planning skyscrapers only 30 seat. This means that, in the future ten years, China will have more than 1318 seats skyscrapers over 152 meters high. This number will be the NO.1 all over the world. This report is estimated by “skyscraper fan”, which also forcast total investment for China construction and planning skyscrapers is more than 1.7 trillion yuan.

CBD spotlight
2012-5-25 17:23:53 Hits: 17 Volume analysis: this week, the total sold volume is 92 sets, and the total sold area is 7361 square meters, increased 5% than last week. The No.1 sales is Jingshi commercial square, which is located at Huadu Yingbing road. It sold 23 sets, with 1539 square meters...